Paraf's Itinerary



Alfred Paraf was born June 10, 1844 in Mulhouse, a manufacturing hub near the Rhine in the Alsace region. It had been an independent state, became a German state, and is now part of France. Paraf’s family was a mainstay in the city, leading manufacturing efforts in the dye industry. His father was an "extensive calico printing works"

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Edmond, C. Plan de la Ville de Mulhouse. 1844. (Bibliothèque nationale de France)

This is the Paraf Itinerary. Chapter 1 of the book includes the story of the Chevalier Alfred Paraf. He was a chemist and con man who travelled from his 1844 birthplace in Mulhouse, near the Rhine River in present-day France, to the United States, then across North America, and finally to South America where he died in 1885. The sixteen-step itinerary here follows his path with snapshots of his main stopping points. The travelogue maps his efforts, investments, patents, scams, and accrual of foes.

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